January 14, 2009 journal, the State of the State intelligent address refers to pension fund obligation of $20 billion this state is responsible for but they cannot produce it because it is obvious they lost it in the Stock Market as most states did. At this rate it would take 3 years of all the state revenues to pay the pension-fund without paying anything else at all. Our governor is the rebel and an intelligent one. Every state has lost their pension funds. The Israeli army has killed 1000 people in Gaza and 315 of them were innocent children. The Washington Post reported today that the lady in charge of Guantanamo Bay calls it torture saying it has contaminated every prisoner case in custody and it has damaged the system and their chances of receiving justice. America has lost her mind and gone crazy. Such mentality has contaminated government from city, county and the state levels also. Abuse of power is the awful thing and it is running ramped in this country putting people out with the selfish and wicked hands that rule over us in violation of U.S. Constitution. The torture issue will be dealt with by the International law tribunal in The Hague and let the Holocaust prosecutors prevail. Nature has a way of providing justice for all violators. The United States economy is in a tail spin according to tonight's NBC news. That is one news report you can believe in saying thousands of retail stores are bankrupt. MSNBC Countdown reported that the banks are using the bailout money to buy more toxic mortgages and in many cases those lending institutions are no longer even licensed. Our governor spoke about transparency in government and if there were to be it would shut the government down in most cases. The cannibals love the darkness to hide their evil deeds. The current economic crisis will eliminate a lot of the compost produced by this government automatically and we see that avalanche coming down every day now. The bitter cold weather across the Northwest to the east is complicating a dire situation. Comtel of Canada whose stock was selling at 1200 dollars/share last year closed today at 11¢ per share. The stock market is one big giant gambling casino and extremely risky. Many stocks today are on the bottom and will remain on the bottom until all is resolved. I saw a sign on the BB&T Bank saying that "We are strong and we are loaning money". People are behaving as insane and one money broker jumped out of his airplane letting it crash while he escaped on his motorcycle to a campground where he was traced because he used his cellphone. Another money broker disappeared in New York State pretending to have jumped off a bridge. Bernie Madoff would still be hauling in except depression. January 15, 2009 journal, USAir lands in the Hudson River, the president bids farewell to the American people hoping the country will last and not crash for the next 5 shaky days. I would say worst things about this man except my vocabulary is limited to words like-he is a liar, murderer, dishonest, moron, immoral, puppet, Satanic, Greedy, stupid, irrational and everything bad. His arrogance is unbelievable & he knows no evil other than himself. His little 15 minute speech was designed to glorify himself and his service and continue to build a bridge of innocence in spite of the million dead Iraqis, 4,000 Americans killed and 1 million Christians killed or displaced with 3 to 4 million refugees out in the desert. George W. wacko b*us*h is a deranged killer needing to be put on trial with his Cheney. Chris Matthews came on MSNBC afterwards described his cop out very intelligently and the former press secretary Scott McClellan came on also in his best appearance ever as he described this miserable Bxxh. Never again let the Supreme Court appoint the president. Bitter cold grips this nation almost the worst in history with 50 degrees Fahrenheit below zero from the Northwest to New England and freezing temperatures all the way down to Plant City Florida. It was a miracle all got out alive of the Airbus A320 in Hudson River. I always look in the cockpit when I board an airplane if I can hoping to see a lot of gray hair because it represents experience. The pilot is not a hero he only did what he knew to do to land the plane on water and without any power he guided it to the open space in the river. This necessitated about 120 degree turn to line up the plane with the Hudson River. They tried to open the rear door exit but water pressure prevented it as another miracle. The 155 passengers walked out on the wings of the aircraft where ferry boats rescued. They blame a covey of Canadian geese for flying into the jet engines choking them out. Birds have been a problem in jet aircraft engines ever since the jet engine was invented. Thank God for mercy to these passengers saving them from a fiery death or destruction. 20 people on that down flight worked for Bank of America whose headquarters is in Charlotte North Carolina and the plane went down just as they were announcing Bank of America was to receive another 20 billion dollars from the bailout fund which is strange. Were they in New York to negotiate this case? The U.S. Treasury cannot print money because the Federal Reserve is the only one that can authorize money to be printed on paper from nothing and the Federal Reserve is not a part of the federal government at all. Headquarters for the Federal Reserve is in New York City Mystery Babylon The Beast. The Federal Reserve have no money they don't steal from the U.S. taxpayers but they are doing their own thing and Secretary Paulson is doing his own thing as our debt increases. If you owe on credit-cards this may be a perfect time to settle them for whatever you can. The Federal Reserve was created in a clandestine maneuver on December 24, 1913 and signed by another idiot President Woodrow Wilson who later said it was a terrible thing. There is no celebration of its 95 years of operation and bloody war record. This president has no understanding of what is going on at all because he is brain dead and irresponsible. He speaks of peace while making war. He speaks of freedom and liberty while taking it away from the American people through his wiretapping and the Patriot Act, Homeland Security and a thousand presidential orders and decrees. He is not protected Americans from any attack and the attack upon America was an inside job for which he surely had knowledge of in advance because the Israelis set it all up according to reliable sources. The attack was to condition the American people to approve these wars to help Israel. We are giving Israel billions and they do not care if we go broke or find ourself in debt. What a powerful machine Airbus and others have made to thrust a million pounds into the air with those awesome jet engines roaring but then simple Birds bring them down. What a powerful economy we have built when we made everything being independent, but over time it deteriorates to the point simple economics brings it all down in despair. dmv The governor spoke in his State of the State address about the lack of transparency in the government and you are an image of that because I still do not have the name of any one person that is accusing or judging me. Perhaps the declining economy will cure this problem. You are targeting safe drivers without due process. I ask you to quote me the law and you did in general but I need for you to quote me the exact words of law you are using to justify your actions. A recent news broadcast stated that 22 to 24 year-olds presents the biggest danger on the highways. Another report stated that cell phone users of any kind even handsfree present a bigger danger than drunks on the highways. You are not doing well keeping drunks off the highways. -*